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Wijzigingsformulier: G+m elektronik ag - Acoustic Equipment

G+m elektronik ag - Acoustic Equipment

G+m elektronik ag - Acoustic Equipment

We have been developing and manufacturing equipment for PA systems, clock systems, audio systems and evacuation systems in accordance with Standards EN 60849, BS 5839 and NEN 25745 for over 35 years now. During this period of over three decades, we have had a crucial influence on the sector of electroacustics by regularly introducing many innovative ideas and important new products.

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G+m elektronik ag - Acoustic Equipment

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We have been developing and manufacturing equipment for PA systems, clock systems, audio systems and evacuation systems in accordance with Standards EN 60849, BS 5839 and NEN 25745 for over 35 years now. During this period of over three decades, we have had a crucial influence on the sector of electroacustics by regularly introducing many innovative ideas and important new products.

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